
Kat Marks, Personal Trainer and running coach

Strength Training and Run Coaching

I coach Women and Men over 40 who are committed and motivated to become stronger, healthier and fitter.

As a boutique Personal Training studio, membership numbers are limited.
To find out how you can reserve your spot and start training, please fill in the enquiry form and I'll reach out!

Get Started

About Kat

Kat is a certified personal trainer, ASCA Level 1 Strength & Conditioning Coach and UESCA Ultra Running Coach. Kat has been working with clients for 15 years assisting them to transform their health, strength, mobility and endurance.

Kat is very passionate in coaching her clients to perform and achieve their individual best whether it be Rehab post op, Strength for Life or an Ultra Endurance event. Each person has a journey to travel, and with personalised programming, communication and feedback, results are inevitable.

When our body is strong, we move better and perform our best
~ Kat Marks

Strength & Conditioning

Face to Face training in the studio, programmed specifically for you. Sports specific & conditional functional training and injury rehab.

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Running Programs

For a personalised running program from beginner to ultra marathon.

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Spring is at our doorstep so now is the time to stop procrastinating and Take Action! Every month we wait and put off our training we lose valuable muscle and time to reverse the aging process.
Small boutique classes, face 2 face or hybrid (online+ f2f) training is ALWAYS what the doctor ordered.
Book a free consultation or jump straight in.
Small but important habits that can help with big changes.
Try for one new habit tomorrow!
If you love  running or hiking trails, then a specific strength program will help you conquer those hills for the hard climb up and make the downhills more fun.
Feel stronger and have more power climbing up and a ton more stability going over technical terrain and down the hills.
From Heysen E2E, Mt Rosa, Corsica, Brisbane trail Ultra,  Yurrebilla and Milers.
I have a limited amount of 10 week start up  Strength programs at a  special price available from September 1st.
Comment below to also receive  my  Coaches Top 5 training tips for free!#runhappy #runstrong #trailrunning #strongisbeautiful #health
#running #fitforlife #strengthandconditioning #longevity
If you keep doing what you are doing, you will stay the way you are.If you want to change your fitness, how you look, and how you feel, you can start to change one small thing at a time and be consistent.Find a coach who listens to you and understands YOU.
You will accelerate this learning, it will help  you feel even more confident in the doing, and having confidence and knowing the plan will work,  IF YOU be consistent and do the task programmed.Spring class offer coming soon!
If you prefer small groups and more 1 on 1 attention,  this will be for you.
Register your interest below in the comments.
Always do your strength work.
It doesn't have to be an  hour or the hardest session.  It needs to compliment YOUR run training schedule and fit into life.
But it's pretty much a non-negotiable.
Think long-term benefits from stronger bones, tendons, and less time off with injuries.
Don't know what to do or where to start?
Comment below  for a free 1 on 1 session.
It's competition time!  A month of running festivities to win!
2 tickets to the Run Nation Film festival on August 15th AND 2 entires into the 50th Anniversary @citybayfunrun with the distance of your choice!
All you have to do is tag yourself and your mate or kid who will run,shuffle, or walk to the cinema and the @citybayfunrun  with you!!
The prize will be drawn at the end of July! Good luck to everyone in Adelaide!!